Tech law GEEK


"Love what you do"

...random thought...

There must be something in those SBUX drinks that keeps "Love What You Do" on my mind these days (or maybe it's the persistent reminder on every receipt?). It's frustrating being in limbo while you're waiting on exam results, but perhaps the delay is meant for some to more seriously consider the next step in the journey. The thing is, no matter how well one might have done in law school or on the Bar Exam, the real test for success is whether you really love what you will be doing with that Bar card down the road. OK, maybe the Beatles weren't talking about practicing law, but they had the right idea... more money won't really make you love your work for very long.

Since starting this blog a couple years ago, I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with some very talented people from across the country who are active in their local, state, and national bar associations. Although some (or many?) may not willingly describe themselves as "lawgeeks," what they do share in common with the typical geek is a great passion for and satisfaction in their work. For someone new to the profession, the contacts you make there can truly be priceless. Sometimes, if you're in a relatively narrow field, that might mean traveling to group events far away just to get some real facetime. If you haven't tried that before, do yourself a favor and go at least once to see for yourself. It can be surprisingly invigorating.

Speaking of lawgeeks - for those of you who are in-house and haven't started blogging yet, a guinea pig has volunteered to be the first of the Fortune 500 GCs: Mike Dillon of Sun Microsystems unveiled his blog last week (h/t Robert Ambrogi at Legal Blog Watch).

Given the sensitive nature of much that I do and my professional obligations as a licensed attorney, it will be at times challenging to be as open as I would like. But, I'll do my best. Like I said, this should be interesting.

Interesting, indeed. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm happy to just sit back and watch what pops up at the top of his blog after a long day at the office. He just might let something useful slip. Unlike me, of course :-)

Happily winding down what has otherwise been a rough summer here... TLG


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  • Dear Nivine Zakhari,
    Hi. I'm DaeGunn, 1L of UHLC. I'd like to express many thanks to you. Before I joined UHLC, I visited your blog often. Your blog was very helpful to understand IP lawyer-to-be student's life in UHLC. I cannot thank you enough. -DaeGunn Jei.

    By Blogger Dae-Gunn Jei, at Tue Sep 05, 04:12:00 PM EDT  

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