Tech law GEEK


MS Accused of 'Excluding Free Software' from Licensing Scheme

Here we go again...
Microsoft's licensing terms for its Windows server protocols explicitly block Linux, Samba and other projects covered by the GPL from taking part, according to Carlo Piana, a partner at Milan law firm Tamos Piana & Partners, which represents FSF Europe. ***

The licensing terms don't stop an open-source developer from creating a separate component, under a proprietary license, that implements the protocols. ***

A Microsoft spokesman said the licensing terms are not discriminatory. "The same terms are offered to everybody, including the makers of free software," he said.

Is it discriminatory to have GPL-incompatible licenses?

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(data provided from NewsGator Online)


Microsoft Won't Appeal EU Ruling on Sanctions

Considering the effort required to provide a "Reduced Media Edition" version of Win XP, I am not surprised Microsoft decided to forego the legal expenses associated with fighting it.
Microsoft said a European edition of Windows without Media Player would be available "in the coming weeks" and it had made specifications available to rival makers of server software -- a second key Commission order.

Undoing a $650 million fine, on the other hand...

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(data provided from NewsGator Online)


Microsoft Implementation of European Commission Decision

In compliance with the European Commission Decision, Microsoft will produce for distribution in Europe new versions of Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional. These new versions will not contain certain multimedia-related components specified in the European Commission Decision. These multimedia-related components are comprised of 186 files in these versions of Windows. (A list of these files is in the Appendix.) The regular versions of Windows XP Home Edition and Professional will continue to include those components and will remain available to European consumers.
*** these new versions will be priced the same as Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional. *** We are currently planning to name these new products Windows XP Home Reduced Media Edition and Windows XP Professional Reduced Media Edition

Color me speechless...

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